静岡県生まれ。東京造形大学テキスタイルデザイン学科卒業。 東京の美術大学時代に京都へ行き伝統工芸(織物)を学ぶ。その後、伝統的な染織技術が残っている産地や最先端の技術で織られているテキスタイル産地を訪ねて全国を巡る。大学卒業後、古き良き日本文化が多く残る場所のひとつである、信州北アルプス山麓に拠点を置き、半自給自足の田舎暮らしを始める。養蚕や綿花栽培をして繊維を研究しながら、全国各地の職人の方々に染織技術を教わる日々を重ねる。染色業の他、観光広告やアパレルのモデルなどを経験。
Haruna Suzuki : Born in Shizuoka, Japan. Graduated from Tokyo Zokei University, Department of Textile Design. While at art college in Tokyo, she went to Kyoto to study traditional crafts (textiles). Then she traveled around the country visiting production areas where traditional dyeing and weaving techniques still exist and textile production areas where cutting-edge techniques are being used.
After graduating from university, she began to live a semi-self-sufficient life in the countryside at the foot of the Northern Alps in Shinshu, where good old Japanese culture remains. While studying fibers through sericulture and cotton cultivation, she spends her days learning dyeing and weaving techniques from artisans all over Japan. In addition to dyeing, she has worked as a model for tourist advertisements and apparel.
綿麻 (cotton hemp) 39 cm x 200 cm
2 colors
綿麻 (cotton hemp) 39 cm x 200 cm
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