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Carolyn Zeitler

 私は1976年にサンノゼ州立大学で陶芸と織物の学位を取得し、卒業しました。 1979年にビッグサーで米国森林局の火災監視員として働き始めた際、在来のコールターパイン(シシマツ)の松葉でバスケットを作り始めました。私のバスケットは、”粘土と繊維”という私の好きな二つのものを組み合わせたマリアージュのようなものとして進化しました。


I graduated from San Jose State University in 1976 with a degree in ceramics and weaving. 

When I began working as a United State Forest Service fire look-out in Big Sur in 1979, I started making baskets with the native Coulter Pine needles. My baskets evolved, as a kind of marriage combining my two loves – clay and fiber.

I have worked exclusively with pine needles for over 42 years because they are so simplistic and straightforward. My only tools are my hands and a needle. The repetitive rhythm of the stitches becomes a kind of meditation. It’s amazing that one can take a material as mundane as a pine needle and create something that celebrates its beauty and strength. There are inherent limitations to the medium that create a challenge to search beyond its boundaries for something that reflects both the tradition of craft and the innovation of art.

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